Vision, Mission & Future Plan
To carry the light of higher education within the reach of all and to empower the marginal and underprivileged people to be the part of national development as embedded in logo of the college – “TOMOSO MA JYOTIR GOMOYO”.
In order to accomplish the vision the institution has promulgated the Mission Statements as –
- To impart sound and meaningful higher education especially to the students of disadvantaged social strata.
- To expand the facility of higher education to all eligible students of the society.
- To help them achieve successful professional career.
- To expand the horizon of education through introduction of new subjects.
- To promote and encourage the achievement and to work for advancement of the knowledge of different subject on the demand of society.
- To empower the student to be self reliant and to achieve excellence so that they can derive the benefit of national development.
- To help them to become ideal and responsible citizens of the country.
- To produce intellectually sound, morally upright socially concerned students to be of service to the nation.
- To impart e-learning a reality among our students
Future Plans
- We have applied for introduction of Science Stream in our college within a short span of time.
- We are going to extend Girls’ Common Room.
- We are going to extend Central Library.
- A Guest-Room is to be constructed.
- We have a plan to set up a Gym & Auditorium.
A vetted plan & estimate for construction of new class rooms has already been submitted to Uttar Banga Unnayan Department (the work would be started as and when the grant is sanctioned).