Services & Facilities
Services & Facilities
Lending services
The library users may get books for reading at home for a particular period. After the due date is over, they have to return the books or get them reissued.
Reading services
The library users may read any book, journal, magazine, questions papers of previous examinations or others of the library collection within the library premises.
Assistance in the use of catalogue
The library staff members always help the users to learn how to search the library catalogue effectively to find out information they need.
Career-oriented information
The library holds a number of career-related magazines which the students may avail for the preparation of competitive examinations.
OPAC services
The users may search catalogue of the library collection through Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and view the status of borrowed books, current availability of any particular book of the library collection.
References services
The library holds good collections of reference books on various subjects. Reference books are not allowed to issue for home to any members of the library. The users can read within the library premises.
Providing information on request
The library is always ready to meet the information needs of the users sincerely. If any user feel unable to find out any information by utilizing the materials and sources available in the library and seeks helps, the staff members try sincerely to provide him/her with necessary search mechanism or readily provide the information itself.
Library Orientation
At the beginning of the new session, we organize an orientation programme with the new students to teach them about the access and use of library materials for their benefits. This helps the students in identifying their required materials easily and quickly.